The Midnight Vesper

When the light fades out. I give thanks to the day I had. As it turns into night. The solitude washes the sins I got.

Reality Bites!

When something goes wrong...
The inner part of this limited mortality aches.
It shouts a silent scream,
as it sheds invisible tears.

When something goes wrong...
The core of this mortality is unquestionably challenged.
To rapidly move into the light,
or blend in with the dark.

When something goes wrong...
The mortality experiences a threatening seizure.
Eagerness to break the walls of limitations,
yet, chained by the broken limbs.

When something goes wrong...
This mortality is teased to question the greater plan.
Tortured by the necessity of knowing,
but dare not to ask.

When everything goes wrong...
This mortal surrenders to the will of the universe.

Accepting things the way they are.

Things happening are real.
They might not be seen or touched, yet we definitely feel their strong presence in life. So by this, I boldly state that things happening around me are the components of reality itself.

Real things are inevitable. Wanting is not real, so is dreaming. From time to time, reality strikes the dreams and the wants. It attacks so strong until the dreams and the wants hit the ground so hard. Then, try to have some time to make your wants and dreams real.

Reality is persistent.
It slaps us not just once. Before the pain's gone, it slaps us again and again. When we wish for it to stop, it becomes stronger. It brings its whole cavalier to visit us altogether.

Reality is the greatest bully in the whole universe.
It keeps saying that we're not good enough, that we are powerless. As it presents more facts on how we can't change most things that are happening to us, it defeats us.

Am I realistic? I, one of many mortals in the world, sometimes claims that I am realistic. Now, that's the fact that is still in questioned. Fooled by the idea of what real should be, I start regretting things happening to me. How realistic does that make me be?

I am real. I control my reality. So what if things don't go my way. I have the power to turn things to go my way since I am the component of reality. It needs me to survive. Thus, I will embrace the realities around me and braid it so sophisticatedly until it is lost in the reality of my own.

Don't defy the universe. Become one with it.


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